25Friends 7Fans
female Kaohsiung, Taiwan

7 years ago 2
He’s just not that into you
He refuses to make future plans with you, short- or long-term.
He talks about his ex frequently.
He tells you he's not ready for a relationship.
He still hasn't asked you out.
He is always running late.
He's disappeared on you.
He is lack of initiative.
He only sees you after midnight.
Last-minute invitations.
★泡泡 覺得
7 years ago 2
★泡泡 正在
9 years ago 1
★泡泡 正在
9 years ago 2
明天要開學了好憂鬱 希望搶得的課 只想選少少的19學分就好因為這學期雜事多多
★泡泡 正在
9 years ago 3
情人節快樂呀呀今天要去台南玩 雖然凌晨的地震真的嚇死我了哈哈
★泡泡 正在
9 years ago 1
越長大越怕冷 北部的人要怎麼活
★泡泡 正在
9 years ago 6
★泡泡 正在
9 years ago 1
突然好想喝草莓好朋友 好想吃甜食阿阿
★泡泡 正在
9 years ago 1
好冷呃 冬天洗澡是酷刑
★泡泡 正在
9 years ago 2
我真是一點也不適合談戀愛 (brokenheart)