grateful that God gave his onli son as a peace child..i truly am grateful,without Jesus who know what kind of life we'll be living now
depressed and down..I can't explain why but I get this almost everyday..lolz
feeling very tired & happy @ d same time..It's been awhile since i did somethin so worth while..i felt so happy when i saw d kids smiling ^^
depressed..and I have no idea what hit me..I feel so bad and down right now..sigh
Anyone read any good books recently??It doesn't matter what kind of book..I'm just so bored
happy and greatful to have acquaintances such as you guys..I'm truly blessed that's all i can say
Please help me!I'm lost and i need guidance!!Can anyone who has been through this stage help me??
I really need help!I dun wanna revert bak 2 my old self,I wan 2 serve God in anyway I can,i really hope i can make a difference in d world..
Sometimes I wonder,what the future holds,am I going 2 be able to make a difference in the world?Do I haf d strength 2 follow God's words?