55Friends 53Fans
male Philippines
Just your average smart-aleck anal-retentive college guy...

I wake up, eat, drink, take a shower, go to school, study and sleep just like any person would...

Anyone who would like to befriend me would be accepted happily... I'm not picky...

13 years ago
Bye guys! Au revoir! (wave)
13 years ago
Mahirap talaga kapag Grammar Nazi ka... *Haters gonna hate* XD
13 years ago
Naka-isang oras na ako?! Ang bilis naman... Minsan naiisip kong nanduduga ang mga Internet cafe... Ahahaha... *Nananamantala daw* XD
13 years ago
13 days to go till Harry Potter 7, Part 1's premiere! *I suddenly felt giddy*
♫borjketchum♫ is
13 years ago
now (music) to Rihanna feat. Eminem's Love The Way You Lie, Part 2... XD
13 years ago
I have to reclaim my lost karma... Have to overcome the 50-karma curse...
13 years ago
Mes amis... I have to deplurk right away... ;-)
13 years ago
Again... how fast time flies... a couple of minutes till logout... Au revoir! (wave)
13 years ago
Still... I don't have my tweets published to Tumblr... Grrr... (angry)
13 years ago 1
(wave) *Why'd I have to leave so soon*