343Friends 94Fans
female Raleigh, NC, United States
Background in elementary education, currently an Instructional Technology Facilitator.
bbryan shares
9 years ago
bbryan says
9 years ago
What Twitter aggregator do you prefer?
bbryan says
9 years ago
Love what the app Brushstroke did to my photo of an okra flower.
bbryan says
9 years ago
The cold has finally creeped in to NC. 10 degrees with wind chill of 2.
bbryan shares
9 years ago
Loved this interview on NPR this morning. Neil Peart on NPR
bbryan says
9 years ago 1
Last day before our winter break. These are the easiest days in the world to work, especially when they are teacher work days.
bbryan says
9 years ago 1
Does anyone know anything about sewing? I need one more stocking stuffer for bonus daughter 2, & thought about pinking shears. She sews A LOT, making costumes mostly. Would appreciate any ideas from any of you.
bbryan says
9 years ago 3
NC Final Exams and End of Course tests begin today at the Early College!
bbryan says
9 years ago
Remembering this day that will live in infamy.
bbryan says
9 years ago
Wireless card replacement on student laptops today, all 240 of them.