33Friends 149Fans
male My Awesome Place, Indonesia

I'm just like most dudes..

I'm just a 20 something dude who got lots of things on his mind..

Well.. mostly about sex though.. :-D
bwicaksono says
14 years ago 1
bwicaksono loves
14 years ago
this Double Twists ads doubleTwist: Podcasts, Music and Video :-D
bwicaksono says
15 years ago 2
Lah.. leg pertama di Emirates yak... gw kira di Camp Nou.. (doh)
bwicaksono shares
15 years ago Nokia vs Apple *halah* (LOL)
bwicaksono says
15 years ago
hadehhh.. pengen ke Indosat Android Expo di JCC... tp banyak kerjaann.. huhuhu.. (tears)
bwicaksono says
15 years ago
Apple is a Patent Troll... *gajadibelimbp* (annoyed)
bwicaksono says
15 years ago
hmm now the adb is working, shall I root? :-P
bwicaksono says
15 years ago 2
hadeh2... Miranda Lawson.... because of her, 'Mass Effect' game should be called 'Ass Effect' (mmm)
bwicaksono says
15 years ago 3
doh.. I just realized that, Avatar is actually an Intergalactic version of Pocahontas.. (doh) (LOL)
bwicaksono says
15 years ago 3
Wuanyiinnngg.. harga pre-order SE Xperia X10 'cuma' 6.5jt aja gitu... gimana kaga jadi racun coba.. damn you isatdroid xD