44Friends 464Fans
female Santa Rosa, CA, United States
Karen is a real-estate entrepreneur, mentor, coach, investor, flipper, trainer, speaker and REIA Club President in Northern California.
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
get two people and make money for life long.
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13 years ago
duplication works well. learn how
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13 years ago
Mike Kelly workshop at Financial Enlightenment Club. Anyone interested?
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13 years ago
Real Estate Recovery in 2012-How Much? When? And Why? financialenlightenmentcl...
bayareamentor says
13 years ago
Successfully fill your life with the dreams that have eluded you - workshop by Cassie McDowell
bayareamentor says
13 years ago
FEC presents Learning tools to free yourself from the disappointments in your life.
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13 years ago
Gain insights into how to master the secrets of the mind.