5Friends 1Fans
female Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Still doesn't know how to properly adult. If someone knows how let me know. RP lover, purple lover, book lover, Hinata fan. That's about it really. XD
Goes by shyhyuuga, hananobooks, protectiveswimmer, and scissorsuniform
8 years ago 8
Omg I haven't been on here in a while haha but I made a new name you can follow me there! It's sunnycrow
9 years ago 2
comes sliding in after a long time Hi school is currently sucking my soul, but I'm fine. How are all of you?
9 years ago 4
Sorry I haven't been on here in a while I've been writing a lot and I'm still not finished so I won't be on here for awhile again XD Sorry! I'll try to pop in every now and again.
9 years ago
Had to do family stuff so I will catch up on tags tomorrow if I owe you one.
9 years ago 1
Alright in July I'm going to app to a game. Either Midnight Syndicate with Hinata or Shikamaru or Tana with Robin. This is my first game in a while, but I want to try it.
9 years ago
Omg I have some tags to catch up on, but I'm getting tired >< I can't with this week already
9 years ago
Shippy smutty Sunday ask away! ^^
9 years ago
If I owe a tag I'm sorry I've been dealing with heavy RL stuff and can only tag late at night/early morning ><
9 years ago
I've left this tag hanging for awhile and I feel so bad I hope I can catch up. Once I finish off some threads I'm going to write an app ^///^ excited!
9 years ago 7
Alright I need something to take my mind off of RL sucking very much so maybe I should app to a game. Any good ones?