Mister Icicle
23Friends 5Fans
male Mc Arthur, OH, United States
Mister Icicle
8 years ago 28
[FE] For those potentially interested in getting in to the series: "New to the series, where should I start?" - The Ultima...
Mister Icicle
8 years ago 3
[Fire Emblem][Heroes and also PoR(?!?)] So, while cracking 17 orbs (my last orbs from story until we have new chapters) I got a 5s Taco Meat to replace Maria. Also, apparently Dolphin emulates PoR pretty well now so I'm finally playing it. Thoughts in here as they come/until I get bored of documenting them.
Mister Icicle
8 years ago 37
[FE: heroes] So for everyone mentioning how many feathers things take, important discovery I made just now: sending heroes home gets feathers.
Mister Icicle
8 years ago 1
[FE:H] Got my third and fourth 5s this morning, pretty lucky with pulls.
Mister Icicle 正在
8 years ago 3 @Edit 8 years ago
I think I got most people, but my friend id for FE: Heroes is 9841756940. Now edited with the correct code if anybody besides Moosey had tried to add me.
Mister Icicle
8 years ago
Gyazo Shocking everyone.
Mister Icicle
8 years ago 3
[RP] So for the first time I actually used song lyrics for icons like all the cool kids, forgot about it, and promptly made myself sad when I used the journal for the first time.
Mister Icicle
8 years ago 4
10:15: Pre-text anxiety is over, time to take my last final.
Mister Icicle
8 years ago
[Pokemon SuMo] Got my 5 IV adamant Magikarp! Who wants breedjects? Have some pretty solid not-perfects, and can also hand out breeding pairs if you have your own destiny knot/everstone to use with them.
Mister Icicle
8 years ago 2
[Football] Holy hell what a game.