Mister Icicle
24Friends 5Fans
male Mc Arthur, OH, United States
Mister Icicle
3 weeks ago 2
[arcane spoilers] [rp-related tho]
Mister Icicle
10 months ago 4
[gpeacock] No clue if I'll actually app, 'cause the app caps and all are a bit much, but I'm actually top-leveling a character this time on the TDM.
Mister Icicle
1 years ago 1
been A Minute since I've plurked, but how could I resist? https://images.plurk.com/43jJpjR5piscJV1dzkDsBo.png
Mister Icicle
2 years ago 2
[p5r] So this came out on PC the other day, which means I'm finally getting to play it.
Mister Icicle
3 years ago 13
[fe3h] [pokemon bdsp] aiyayayaya in particular
Mister Icicle
3 years ago 2
[Arcane] I'm dead.
Mister Icicle
3 years ago 12
I still have this emote, in part because I literally don't know how to not have it. Anyway, I'm back.
Mister Icicle
3 years ago 5
[fe:3h] Does anybody know any resource that tells you when (chapter-wise) each support becomes available?
Mister Icicle
3 years ago 10
[fe3h] Weird thought: in basically any game, if I were to play Petra, I wouldn't have to mess with the spoken grammatical errors.
Mister Icicle
4 years ago 5
[feh] Thanks to the 3h banner I've thrown myself back into gacha hell for now.