We crave for a better life. But who's the lucky one? I dream too much so it hurts when the reality hits.
Sometimes I feel pathetic. And then I thought: Nah. Sometimes I feel empty. But then I turned around and saw B. But still I dream of ___.
雖然說我比較關心紐約也傳出伊波拉病情 但是我還是被九把刀劈腿的新聞轟炸了 我的心得只有一個: 所以為什麼沒被抓到之前就不會覺得自己做錯事 一被抓到 就馬上覺得自己錯了
超過半數以上 25看起來像32, 30看起來像35 好險你不是 (閱人有感)