3Friends 3Fans
female Singapore
freelance writer, full-time student & irreversible caffeine addict.

also available at:
bartonfink is
14 years ago
bartonfink is
15 years ago
inconsistent (with plurk, friendships, books, money..)
bartonfink is
16 years ago
looking at one more academic semester
bartonfink is
16 years ago
panicking. exam results come out tomorrow and if shit hits the fan, i might have to do an extra semester.
bartonfink is
16 years ago
glad 2009 is looking worse financially. at least i have an excuse for not finding a proper job.
bartonfink is
16 years ago
back? hello
bartonfink is
16 years ago
spoilt for choice between The Wire (tv series), and Natural Born Killers and The Doors (Oliver Stone). Plus other random stuff.
bartonfink is
16 years ago 2
so tired of everything, she's giving up.
16 years ago
dreamed she was in a place between the Andes and India, broken-off cliffs, mysterious caves.. it was lovely and full of misplaced nostalgia.
bartonfink says
16 years ago 1
"I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called 'Biggus Dickus'." (rofl)