22Friends 2Fans
female World of Warcraft
Amy | communications, rp’er, hand-letter & writer. (she/her)

Piper (oc)
Les (oc)
Harry (& Rule!63 Harry)
Arthur (inception)

3 years ago 34
HogwartsExpressed - Hogwarts Casual Musebox for random things. Bring in your OC's, characters and everything! If people are interested and want to play in it, I can do a monthly Hogwarts-Meme in it too.
2 months ago
Been hanging out with my brother and SIL the last few days in Arkansas. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
3 months ago 3
After severe storms last night and delayed and canceled flights, I'm still home. I leave, barring any other stupid unforeseen situation, tomorrow morning at early-o-clock. So maybe Universal today after I make sure I am checked into my flight tomorrow!
3 months ago 21
So, I've been a bit quiet recently but over the last month, I've been working on hand lettering again! My hope is to make it a decent side hustle... or maybe, one day, a full time job.
3 months ago 6
:-( Really glad I got to hang out with mythotica and Abs this weekend. I hate to see them go but glad I got to stop by and say hi one more time.
3 months ago 3
I’ve had a mythotica here and it’s been so much fun!
3 months ago 5
Fun fact, last week I thought Thursday was Friday and today I thought it was already the 12th... which is tomorrow. Lord. Hope everyone has a fantastic week ahead!
4 months ago 20
Authors! I want to really practice handlettering book quotes! So! If you have a line that you really love from a book or three, will you leave them in the comments? Or you can email them to me! My following on IG is pretty small currently but I’d love to promote your work as I can!
4 months ago 16
Did I spend most of this morning / afternoon redesigning my business cards? You bet your ass I did.
4 months ago
So, I bought myself a hand engraving tool to do... engraving things with. We'll see how many bottles I break or things I ruin. But, I figure it could be good to know if I want to do live event things.
4 months ago 17 @Edit 4 months ago
After last week's craziness with my car and a gala on Saturday, I feel inspired (again) to get my 'side hustle' / 'other job' going again. I have a new product that I'm going to put up for sale very soon and get started on more stickers.