22Friends 2Fans
female World of Warcraft
Amy | communications, rp’er, hand-letter & writer. (she/her)

Piper (oc)
Les (oc)
Harry (& Rule!63 Harry)
Arthur (inception)

3 years ago 34
HogwartsExpressed - Hogwarts Casual Musebox for random things. Bring in your OC's, characters and everything! If people are interested and want to play in it, I can do a monthly Hogwarts-Meme in it too.
1 weeks ago 6
Vacation is coming to a close and work will likely be a bit hellacious when I return but... I've updated my resume and will be looking at returning to the midwest sometime in the next six months.
2 weeks ago 7
So I'm off for the week. Visiting my Mom in Wichita! I started an open post on my muse journal on Friday so if anyone wants any of mine, lemme know! It's here!
1 months ago 6
I know, I've been super quiet on this front recently. I've been reading a lot of m/m books and watching hockey playoffs. ALL THAT SAID - thirsty thursday. Anything you want with mine?
2 months ago
first impressions of me vs current?
2 months ago 1
Shipping who we're logged in as...
2 months ago 2
are my characters capable of murder?
2 months ago 11
sotrp / romantic sotrp
2 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/4AMC5U6ADeR7GQb3UZSqoW.jpg Been in Park City, UT since Monday afternoon and it is gorgeous here! I’ll have to come back for not-work reasons one day.
2 months ago 49
Tonight, I did a quick rundown of how much I've made so far this year on my prints, stickers and things and it's up from last year which is awesome! My net is a little pathetic due to buying business cards and stickers for an author but it's still exciting to see how it's coming together.
2 months ago 1
My last day in Little Rock and I'm not ready to go back to Florida and my stupid job there. I haven't really been happy with the place for a little while now and thinking of making a move at some point... need to update the ol' resume though.