3Friends 1Fans
female Cebu, Philippines
baijoanne says
13 years ago 1
When you're stressed, You eat Ice cream, Cake, Chocolate & Sweets. Why? Because stressed spelled backwards is DESSERTS... (LOL)
baijoanne says
13 years ago
aha! 2 pieces of bread and what best goes with it? cheese spread from Pan de Manila!!! <yum>
baijoanne says
13 years ago
hmmmm... what is there to binge at this hour?
baijoanne says
13 years ago
it's 3:20 am and I am still wide awake!
baijoanne thinks
13 years ago
that life is infinitely interesting...
baijoanne shares
13 years ago
anything4Love(Anything for Love)
baijoanne shares
13 years ago
Mc Donalds Classic Philippine TV Commercial / Karen
baijoanne shares
13 years ago
PLDT NDD ( Suportahan Taka TV Ad 2001 )(Kung saan ka masaya...suportahan ta ka...)