supposedly the Licensing Act of 1872 makes it illegal (still) to be drunk and in charge of a cow. MOOve along, sir...
I don't care how stupid I must look; I LOVE my slanket. It's so warm. <3
I got carded for beer today. The drinking age in the UK is 18. Go me?
today's random question... anyone have plans to be in Europe in the next few months? England would be best, but I'll work with whatever.
Phone interview went well but location kibashed it. /sigh it would have been fun.
The wind and rain are so strong it sounds like a car wash! Thunder only adds to the effect.
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Stuff finally cleared customs and is arriving Friday!!!