♥, YiQing.
247Friends 134Fans
female Singapore
I'm the kind of girl your mother warned you about.

♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago 2
me got a tumblrrrr eighteenpromises.tumblr....
♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago 1
didn't manage to plurk for the whole of today and my karma went down :-(
♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago
finally here to plurk again!
♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago
woohoo! off for dindinzzzz \m/ plurk l8r!
♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago
Time to bathe and get ready for Fish&Coooooooooooooo!
♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago 4
study study studyyyy 8-)
♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago 1
i'm used to eating like 5 meals a day and i've only eaten 1 so far today. sighhh, hungry like omfg only.
♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago
feeling so hungry right now. Want to eat some fish&co. but D says only for dindinzzzz :'-(
♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago
omg, just woke up after a nap straight after breakfast. i am such a glutton.
♥, YiQing. says
15 years ago
ok am off to eat breakfaaaaaaast w D, byebye.