11Friends 7Fans
female MI, United States
first and foremost I am a child of God! He is my Rock! I am a wife to an awesome man! I love him probably way too much! I am a mom to 5 and I also have a step daughter. So we have a houseful! Insanity at times!
16 years ago
btw: for all who do not know. there is a candy recall on the gold chocholate pirate coins. make sure to throw them in the trash
babydeer hopes
16 years ago
everyone has a Great and Safe Halloween!!! :-D
babydeer hates
16 years ago
it when I take a nap and sleep the whole day away.
babydeer hopes
16 years ago 2
everyone had a Great weekend. I did. Spent it with my family, my sisters visited all weekend and brought my Dad :-))
babydeer wishes
16 years ago
everyone had a great day today! :-)
babydeer says
16 years ago 2
hello plurkers
babydeer shares
16 years ago 1
that I am baaaaack and eating yummy rice, venacin (spelt right?) with shrooms, onions, and a salad...woot woot
babydeer shares
16 years ago 2
my coffee *cheers* ;-)
babydeer wonders
16 years ago 3
of what I should do while the hubby is out hunting. better bring home a deer, darn it.
babydeer wishes
16 years ago
that the home insurance guy would just hurry, get here and leave already.