11Friends 7Fans
female MI, United States
first and foremost I am a child of God! He is my Rock! I am a wife to an awesome man! I love him probably way too much! I am a mom to 5 and I also have a step daughter. So we have a houseful! Insanity at times!
babydeer says
15 years ago
off to doing some school work. the fun just never ends... ;-)
babydeer says
15 years ago 3
oh good grief! I haven't been on here in forEver!! :-(
babydeer shares
16 years ago
anyone know what the different symptoms are between the flu and food poison??
babydeer shares
16 years ago
alright, folks. get me some karma
babydeer shares
16 years ago 3 sad. I've been gone for so long and my karma dropped to 5.49 :-(
babydeer shares
16 years ago
that I have finally signed up for my classes, but it's my student loans I fear
babydeer wonders
16 years ago
what changes will be made now that Obama has won (unsure)
16 years ago
regrets not registering in my county in time (tears)now I won't get to partisipate.
babydeer wonders
16 years ago
why I wanted a dog (unsure)
babydeer wishes
16 years ago
that I had more time to just sit at the computer and do absolutely nothing. and yah, I know. I can't spell ;-)