0Friends 3Fans
female San Mateo, Philippines
nAme : MaRy AnnE j0y TABURICO saLvaDo
NicKnAme: MhEaN
a.K.A: ilovemuhown
a ghurl who wants to be with her own style.
can't live without a jeLLy ph0ne on her side.
a simple yet Fascinating ghurl.
a g00d frend yet a bad enemy.
08mhean08 says
14 years ago
i'm simply selfish in all the things i have ;-) and does my selfishness affects you?guess what i don't care X-( (LOL)
08mhean08 shares
14 years ago
08mhean08 is
16 years ago
plurk is so cool hahaha
08mhean08 is
16 years ago
08mhean08 is
16 years ago
hi pouh