12Friends 5Fans
female Pejompongan Indah, Indonesia
ayundachinta is
15 years ago
trashing in d office
ayundachinta thinks
15 years ago
costing T.T
15 years ago 2
i think it's amazing
ayundachinta is
15 years ago
gettin bored of social networking....but still...have to keep it up to catch up with :-&
15 years ago
starts to enjoy working in d office
15 years ago
2 yrs (heart)
ayundachinta is
15 years ago
settling down
ayundachinta is
15 years ago
escaping again....besok nggak kok...janjiiii (goodluck)
ayundachinta thinks
15 years ago 2
musti kabur lagi kah gw?
ayundachinta hopes
15 years ago
monday...not to come....please.