211Friends 210Fans
female Davao, Philippines
♥ I'm unique.
♥ I drink coffee at least twice a day [or even more].
♥ I'm hella chocoholic.
♥ I love Super Junior as my self.
♥ I act good and feel good.
♥ I'm an anime aficionada.
♥ I rock and I know it!

♥ "what PIA wants, PIA gets." ♥
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago 6
i hate biology! it's freakin' driving me crazy! can somebody help? PLEASE? anybody? come on. grrr.
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago
there's no such thing as coincidence. it's inevitable.
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago
no to posers.
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago
I'm, dying to kill someone. *no oxymoron intended.
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago 7
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago 7
well, today is a hell of a day, so, good night guys.
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago 11
my karma was like 81.45 and because boredom it dive into 4.72. pretty funny, huh?
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago
this is totally funny. i haven't plurk for like months and still there were more than 50 friend and fan requests.
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago
good night. I though i may have my break tomorrow but i was wrong. grrr.
♀pia♀ says
15 years ago 1
good eve.