4Friends 6Fans
female Cavite, Philippines
JuSt A SimPle GirL...

"iN mY LiFe i NeVer TrIed To ImprEsS SomeOne FoR theM tO lIkE me..

CoZ' WhEn I dO..

I WiLL haVe tO kEEp ThaT imaGe fOr tHe ResT of mY liFe AnD iTs HaRd To prEteNd tO be sOmeOne eLse..

I mAy noT thaT clOse To perFect
ayame9 feels
16 years ago
ayame9 hopes
16 years ago
mY drEams WilL cOme TrUe...////''';;;' :-))