32Friends 41Fans
female Second life
I live and love in Second Life, still.
Ava wonders
13 years ago 5
whether she's been missed after a year of absence. Also... can anyone plurk via ping.fm any more?
Ava says
14 years ago 2
Ooh - new mobile interface for Plurk. Nice.
14 years ago 6
groans at yet another reorganisation at work. And it's only a month since the last one. Ugh
Ava is
14 years ago 2
suffering after an evening out, saying farewells to people leaving work
Ava says
14 years ago 6
Ava says
14 years ago 1
happy humpday!
Ava says
14 years ago 5
it's Monday again, and it arrived too soon :-(
Ava wonders
14 years ago 3
whether to freeze her karma where it is
Ava asks
14 years ago 2
why Friday seemed to take longer to arrive than usual
14 years ago 4
grits her teeth, and braces for the full impact of... Thursday