9Friends 10Fans
female MN, United States
Just an average 20 something learning how to live life,
at the same time knitting up a storm :-)
atck11 says
12 years ago
greatest summer of my life,i get to share it with my fiancé and I'm taking the plunge and knitting my first pair o socks! :-)
atck11 says
13 years ago
trying to pick yarn to go with my rav q is so hard but fun
13 years ago 2
one more day at home before my long trip and big move
atck11 hopes
13 years ago 1
she can fall asleep soon and not get.the punch to get out of bed and knit while sleep deprived
atck11 says
13 years ago
that first plurk was NOT correct.lets try again,knitty friends do you guy know where online i can buy metal US size #7 32" inch circs?
atck11 says
13 years ago 7
Hi knitty friends!, would any of you where on the net i could possibly purchase metal US size #7 les