142Friends 155Fans
female Buenos Aires, Argentina
sedang berjalan dan terus berjalan ke depan menghadapi indah dan rumitnya kehidupan . :-D
Franz Ferdinand - No You Girls (2009)
astridw shares
14 years ago
Mumford and Sons, The Cave another great music being :-)
astridw shares
14 years ago
Noah and The Whale - Five Years Time folk music .. absolutely my new thaaaaang ;P
astridw wishes
14 years ago 4
today's class would be as awesome as the last two days classes :-) then a very long weekend right in front of me . yuhuuu
astridw wishes
14 years ago
the new Doctor Who series coming sooner , oh please ..
14 years ago 8
wohooo , it's been quite a long time , and now my karma is absolutely 00.00 ! haha :-P
astridw is
15 years ago 2
extremely upset . belum bs resmi dibilang lulus SMA , fisika ku ga tuntas-tuntas nilainya :-(
15 years ago 6
hihi , worth it worth it deh beli 2 cd the Beatles ini .. :-D
astridw hopes
15 years ago
that she can pass this physics exam >.<
astridw wants
15 years ago
to see The Hurt Locker and Precious ..
astridw wonders
15 years ago
why plurk and twitter are way popular nowadays in Indonesia.. ¬_¬ dl pas sering makek , ga seberapa populer .