Ashley Theresa
5Friends 11Fans
female Raleigh, NC, United States
Now you can know way more than you want to... haha
Ashley Theresa
16 years ago
forgot to mention that she has decided to not quit Solas, but to cut back to 2 days a week... cause i'll be working at Bogarts :-D
Ashley Theresa is
16 years ago
SO excited bout the new season of the Office. great premiere!
Ashley Theresa is
16 years ago 4
looking for a new job. fuck solas
Ashley Theresa was
16 years ago 3
babysitting for a coworker today for a bit. her kids are SO cute.
Ashley Theresa is
16 years ago
home from work... i'm seriously cleaning my room. right now.
Ashley Theresa is
16 years ago
actually awake before she needed to be :-D
Ashley Theresa is
16 years ago 6
having sushi tonight!!! :-)
Ashley Theresa is
16 years ago 6
tired... don't people know it's not cool to call before noon on a sunday. lol...
Ashley Theresa
16 years ago
forgot to post her art livejournal... here's the only post so far, lol.
Ashley Theresa is
16 years ago 4
off to work... even though it's gonna rain in 4 hours. oooooh well