46Friends 246Fans
female Second life
A LOT of things have changed as I shifted into more stuff going on in RL...
-Manager at Bella's Cafe in Ronoc.
-Designer and Owner of Basics (
-Blogger (My Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide Workout Review - ...)
-Surfer Girl
-Cat A
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
My Graze box is on the wayyyy
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
No wonder I never get anything fucking done. I'm too busy helping everyone else do shit they should be able to do on their own to do anything but eat and sleep.
Ashleigh says
10 years ago 1
My Panda Bear.
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
HELP!!! I need a place where I can set to home on SL just for log in purposes.
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
Anyone else watching Slooh??
Ashleigh says
10 years ago 1
Oh goddd. My insides hurt at my right hip. Like in the vicinity of an ovary or some other organ. It feels like I ran full speed into the
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
Hey anyone else catch that awesome Bruno Mars/RHCP concert on tv? It was awesome until it got interrupted by sports. Stupid sports.
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
So I was gonna do my own version of the comic sans valentines for my co-workers... but then I discovered the plethora of 80s valentine scans in Google images. So Now. Everyone's getting retro valentines WHAT!?