46Friends 246Fans
female Second life
A LOT of things have changed as I shifted into more stuff going on in RL...
-Manager at Bella's Cafe in Ronoc.
-Designer and Owner of Basics (
-Blogger (My Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide Workout Review - ...)
-Surfer Girl
-Cat A
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
Bastille live at Coachella!
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
Kind of sad. Busted out the Game of Thrones Drinking Game, even added to it knowing what I know, for watching the S3 premiere (yeah I'm behind) and I still have half a drink. :-(
Ashleigh says
10 years ago 3
GRAPHIC ARTISTS: What's your wacom tablet type recommendations???
Ashleigh says
10 years ago 4
There is an EXTREMELY large part of me that kind of feels the need to declutter my life in the way that means ditching people on Plurk/FB
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
So was the SCD change legit? Because I might have a secret this week...
Ashleigh says
10 years ago 1
Kinda over life right now. Feeling a WHOLE DAMN LOTTA "Fuck this shit." Here's hoping the morning is better. I'm going to crawl under my covers and escape to Westeros!
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
Ashleigh says
10 years ago
Some people are just hateful.