mari canangkan gerakan "ANTI BAYAR PAJAK" merasajadikorbankoruptorpajak_lagi#
quote "yang bikin mahal itu bukan biaya hidup, tapi gaya hidup..."
let God do the judgement for my redemption, may He paved the way..
a wise man said "do the best for ur life, if u wannabe a dumb one, then be the best dumb one.."
"you're blinded by your hunger..beware your days are numbered.."
"bisa ga supir bajaj jd supir taxi? tergantung..asal dia mau blajar nyetir, yg plg penting : sabaarrr.."
"don't wait for miracle..make it!!!"
"secret is only for the one who can keep it safely"
please describe "grateful" you found "enough" in it??
"a wise man hears one word and understands two..."