5Friends 5Fans
male Makati, Philippines
IT Professional and eBook Collector
arvindelacruz shares
15 years ago
...Laptops need service ~43% of the time after 3-4 years, desktops 31%, camcorders and digicams, about 13% and 10% of the time, respectively
arvindelacruz asks
15 years ago 2
who wants a google wave account? add me first!
arvindelacruz says
15 years ago <-- prayerware, Outlook Duplicates Remover version 5 is very useful
arvindelacruz thinks
15 years ago 1
matches and candles, food, fully charged phones and radios with batteries better be readied for the Typhoon hitting Manila tomorrow...
arvindelacruz says
15 years ago
Marinae (Sinti) will make landfall between 5-6 AM tom as a Category 2 typhoon – bringing moderate to heavy rain and stormy weather to Manila
arvindelacruz has
15 years ago
finally changed his default browser from IE8 to Google Chrome
arvindelacruz wishes
15 years ago
www.valuechainconference... gets more press attention / articles
arvindelacruz hopes
15 years ago
people will be interested in
arvindelacruz wonders
15 years ago
if people will keep visiting even if the conference already finished
arvindelacruz wonders
16 years ago
if Plurk is better than Facebook.