63Friends 86Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
i love to cosplay

i love doraemon, and i like it so much!!!!

i love my self

i love my fams

i love my lovely.....
i like to be frend....
tela_chubie says
14 years ago
gila turunnya kayak naek perosotan cepet buanget..
tela_chubie says
14 years ago 1
baru baca berita tentang lucky yang maki maki allah swt di facebooh....astagfirulloh....
tela_chubie says
14 years ago
jatoh banget karma gw..!!!
tela_chubie says
14 years ago 3
Malming di kampus
tela_chubie says
14 years ago
abis dari ondangan teh mira...wkwkwk
tela_chubie says
14 years ago
naek donk karmanya..
tela_chubie says
14 years ago
sakit agy....hix
tela_chubie says
14 years ago 1
perut kembung apa yah obatnya????
tela_chubie feels
14 years ago
kembung neeh..
tela_chubie says
14 years ago
ada pelangi...indahnya....