Arielle Jane
1Friends 3Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo; and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly; I would send other words to tell, to march, to fight, and to create a sense of hunger for the life that gnaws away in us all.
Arielle Jane has
12 years ago
bought herself a guitar, and is pumped for her up coming lessons.
Arielle Jane is
12 years ago
excited for Christmas.
Arielle Jane is
13 years ago
heading off to work.
Arielle Jane loves
13 years ago
(also) The song "Sarah Beth" by Nightmare and the Cat.
Arielle Jane loves
13 years ago
the song "Our Own Pretty Ways" by First Aid Kit.
Arielle Jane loves
13 years ago
when she gets to talk to a dear friend whom she hasn't seen in ages.
Arielle Jane hopes
13 years ago
that her new red hair looks as good to others as it does to herself.
Arielle Jane thinks
13 years ago 1
that short-shorts are highly overrated, but that bow ties are cool.
Arielle Jane shares
13 years ago
a pretty flower with you all!
Arielle Jane wishes
13 years ago
she were still able to eat normal foods, like pineapple, or juice, or coffee, or any other foods that these braces don't allow me to eat!