5Friends 5Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
beetlejuice 討厭
14 years ago 1
我痛恨套裝行程,自由行不是很好嗎?省的旅行社在那邊機機歪歪的 (angry)
14 years ago
昨天晚上做了好奇怪的夢... :-&
beetlejuice 分享
14 years ago
本日推薦:Tristania - Beyond the Veil Tristania - Beyond the Veil (The Crow)
beetlejuice 正在
14 years ago
好刺激啊!下周員工訓練要上台報告耶 >_<
beetlejuice 正在
14 years ago 1
昨天麻辣鍋吃壞了,肚子一整個不蘇胡 :-&
beetlejuice 分享
14 years ago
本日推薦:Kamelot - Ghost Opera Kamelot - Ghost Opera
beetlejuice 分享
14 years ago
本日推薦音樂:Shaaman Shaaman : 02.- Here I Am (live)
beetlejuice 分享
14 years ago
旋律死金:Slumber Slumber - Rapture
14 years ago 2
剛剛中華電信通知我手機前兩天有上網,要收1600!!!該不會是我在做資料備份的時候亂按按到了吧!嗚嗚嗚 :'-(