92Friends 44Fans
female East Fairview, Philippines
Anthonian. Thomasian. Sophomore BSE English major. UST Educ Student Council & Thomasian Nippon Sei staffer. CYA-er. Filipino. Catholic. student. fighter. true friend.

ayelleUSTe09 says
12 years ago
GTG 4 now. Better head on to SM North or Trinoma today for a nice reward, or surprise at least. Ja ne minna! (wave)
ayelleUSTe09 says
12 years ago
Even if finals is over, I still need to go to USTe till next week. Then, La Naval na on sunday. TNS rep + devotee.. WOW..
ayelleUSTe09 says
12 years ago
A.S.K. : Ask & you will receive, Seek & you will find, Knock & the door will be opened to you (prayer time hype..) b^.^d
ayelleUSTe09 is
12 years ago
Now reading: Pretty Face chapter 32.
ayelleUSTe09 says
12 years ago
Konnichiwa minna-chu! Final exams are now (for us) OVER!!!
ayelleUSTe09 says
12 years ago
GTG 4 now. Better prep up na talaga. Back to normal na uli. Tadtad pa.. Ganbatte ne.. Ja mata minna! (wave)
ayelleUSTe09 is
12 years ago
Now reading: Pretty Face. Just continuing it, that's all..
ayelleUSTe09 says
12 years ago
Tadaima minna! Finally through with the compilation of Teaching Strategies for Principles 1.