14Friends 11Fans
female Calzadang Bayu Porac, Philippines
simple, never like having complicated life.
mature and yet still irresponsible.
ambitious but sometimes too lazy to act.
yet all i want is a happy and simple life.
a wORRy-fREE life!
ANN sinasabi
12 years ago
since i was a little girl...
ANN sinasabi
12 years ago
miss my account.
ANN says
13 years ago
wee. had fun. nabuhay ung social life ko. imagine? so let's call it a goodnight. !
ANN says
13 years ago
.03 kuripot nmn ng plurk!
ANN says
13 years ago
love my birthday! happy 20! :-D
ANN says
13 years ago
ALWAYS happy to be with him, makes parting sad. :-(
ANN says
13 years ago
ANN says
13 years ago
last day!!! yey!!!!!!
ANN says
13 years ago
two more days to GO. two HELL days. :-)
ANN says
13 years ago
gudmorning. 2nd day of FINALS. :-D wish it would end soon. :-)