3Friends 8Fans
female Kalamazoo, MI, United States
Let me just go ahead and list all the fandoms/communities I belong to:

Harry Potter
Doctor Who
Avatar: The Last Airbender
TeamStarkid fangirls xD
Hi again to everyone who is adding me! Sorry I suck at this Plurk thing!
So, I'm still unclear. Are responses on this site more akin to facebook comments or facebook chats?
whoa this thing scrolls SIDEWAYS? WHAT EVEN. #imfromtumblrland #andapparentlytwitterland. seriously, can't stop hashtagging....
Hi hi hi everyone who added me because of mackenzie! I still don't understand this very much. I just had the urge to hashtag...
annathehptwerdfightr is
14 years ago 8
unsure of this Plurk thing, but I'll take Mackenzie's word for it.