1Friends 30Fans
male Pune, India
I work in the area simplification of learning in subjects like business management, quantitative subjects in Accounts, Statistics, Human Resource, Economics, etc You can learn these from anytime anywhere in just 30 minutes.
abc wants
15 years ago
short online courses at your finger tips
abc wants
15 years ago
people who would like to learn new subjects at cheap prices
abc likes
15 years ago
fast learners
abc asks
15 years ago
have you heard of $2 courses?
abc shares
15 years ago
Learn any subjects in just 30 minutes Animated Business Concepts
abc asks
15 years ago
has anyone learnt any subjects in just 30 minutes/
abc asks
15 years ago
what do you think of rapid learning?
abc asks
15 years ago
accounts is fun. is it so?
abc asks
15 years ago
is accounts a boring subject
abc asks
15 years ago
how to learn a subject in a simple way