6Friends 6Fans
female Kelapa Gading, Indonesia
I'm just a simple independent girl trying to live this life in her best with God help.
aniets has
14 years ago
just seen her friend's twit:kl mo maju gue hrs sekolah lagi... tp nanti kl karir makin maju,apa kabar cita2 gue untuk jadi ibu rumah tangga?
aniets thinks
14 years ago
I don't Love Monday, I don't love Sunday too, I Love You, only You ;-)
aniets thinks
14 years ago
Jika anda menderita, bersyukurlah kepada Tuhan karena itulah pertanda, anda masih hidup. - Elbert Hubbart -
aniets thinks
14 years ago
You can say I love you a thousand times. But, true love doesnt need to be told.
aniets is
14 years ago
aniets is
14 years ago
very very tired... and have stomachache
aniets is
14 years ago
fasting for her discernment... ternyata puasa itu berat boo
aniets is
14 years ago
not sick anymore
aniets is
14 years ago
still wondering what is it that God trying to tell her through her sickness
aniets is
14 years ago
struggling with Long Distance Relationship