50Friends 63Fans
male Chico, CA, United States
* Now 99% Chum free.

* Favorite animal: Steak!!!

* Head Bagger
11 years ago 4
I will be taking my daughters out to breakfast shortly, that is, if they WAKE UP!
11 years ago 8
Georeferencing historical raster data sets at the US Department of Agriculture will commence shortly. What kind of monster have I become?
11 years ago 16
My wife is cleaning our new house at 37.787948,-122.454925 I can't be any more specific than that.
11 years ago 11
Just got keys to my weekday home... in San Francisco.
11 years ago 24
I just got hired by Apple! I'm so thrilled, I might just PASS OUT!
angryfrench shares
11 years ago 4
I feel like my interview yesterday was like going to the CIA or NSA, I'm surprised I was allowed to leave with this:
angryfrench shares
11 years ago 8
Interview pushed back 40 minutes, time to squeeze in more studying.
11 years ago 10
Heading down to Cupertino early tomorrow for my Apple interview. Will probably be nervous, so think of me at 1pm PST...
11 years ago 10
Apparently Apple wants me to come to Cupertino next week to talk. I'm pretty excited. I'm thrilled they are even considering me.
11 years ago 6
Apple phone interview went great! I'll see if my assessment is correct next week. It. Would. Be. Incredible. (banana_ninja) Naturally they could only speak in general terms about the position because of NDA's.