8Friends 9Fans
male Bandung, Indonesia
I am not important person, but I became one of the most important for the people..


avenged sevenfold dear god with lyrics
angga_outsiderz says
15 years ago 1
> Follow my twitter : angga_outsiderz
angga_outsiderz says
15 years ago
> i'm so sleepy now..
angga_outsiderz hopes
15 years ago
> I want to go on holiday to Thailand , but it's just my hope, hufhh .. :-(
angga_outsiderz says
15 years ago
> I am not important person, but I became one of the most important for the people.. wkwkwkwkwkwkk..!! (LOL)
angga_outsiderz says
15 years ago
> How with our fate! now, we hang to wait for the information! quickly for provide clear information to us! We plead to you!
angga_outsiderz says
15 years ago
> Menikmati Hujan di Kamar, hahahaha.. :-)
angga_outsiderz says
15 years ago
> OTW, MABES Sarxom!!
angga_outsiderz says
15 years ago
> Tempat tongkrongan di Bandung, sore gini enaknya dimana yaa??
angga_outsiderz shares
15 years ago
angga_outsiderz says
15 years ago
maen ahhh, let's going out!! :-D