Andi Saleh
67Friends 73Fans
male Palembang, Indonesia
Andi Saleh
4 weeks ago
"To be a genius is to be misunderstood. But to be misunderstood is not to be a genius." —NDT
Andi Saleh says
1 years ago
music makes you feel feelings, lyrics makes you think thoughts, songs makes you feel thoughts.
Andi Saleh says
1 years ago
you only get one shot at making a first impression, and that first impression will be a visual one.
Andi Saleh says
1 years ago
wait, what?
Andi Saleh says
2 years ago
once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thrice is confirmation.
Andi Saleh says
2 years ago
a Jack of all trades is a master of none, but still always better than a master of one.
Andi Saleh says
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
home is where... you poop with the doors open.
Andi Saleh shares
3 years ago
bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered—too greedy, speculating wildly, shouldering too much risk, and chasing unrealistic returns.
Andi Saleh shares
3 years ago
everything worthwhile takes a while.
Andi Saleh says
3 years ago
you don't have to be ashamed for using your own ideas.