well, bought my art supplies. they ended up being more than half of what i spent on textbooks.
rest of my textbooks have been ordered! that's 6 of them... for like $115 including shipping. i feel awesome!
dammit ssucet, lemme turn in my damn automata lab!
looks like i'm adding a third street saints cosplay to my ohayocon list
blarg. i'm on hour 37 or so of not sleeping. it's not like i'm not trying dammit. i want to sleep so bad.
huzzah being up. gotta start planning things like textbooks and whatnot.
finally done with catherine. dammit, i wanted true lovers, not good lovers. 7 more endings to go.
hazelnut toffee is awesome. still getting my ass beat by catherine, even on easy modo -_-
yay payday tomorrow! and that food truck throwdown at the el cortez!
so sore still. ugh. laser hair removal in about an hour.