2Friends 1Fans
male Rancaekek, Indonesia
Male, born about 27 years ago. Stay in Rancaekek, Bandung Indonesia. Hope will achieve my target next year. ^^
anakdugem feels
15 years ago
Dizzy and tummy ache. :'-(
anakdugem feels
15 years ago
uncertain. Do i should :-( do this? Or should i Understand about "that person" behaviour?
anakdugem wishes
15 years ago 1
semua urusan dimudahkan dan dilancarkan. :-)
anakdugem says
15 years ago
Klo Miyabi beneran ke INdonesia, bela-belain da dateng ke Jkarta, pengen liad aslinya tuh maria ozawa. :-D
anakdugem will
15 years ago
take a nap, couldnt stand this headache and tummy ache Prepare for the rest of the day meeting people who will work for the new project. :-&
anakdugem will
15 years ago
more serious learn ruby on rails.