11Friends 14Fans
female Anina, Romania

Y!M: amyalkabirdy
In-World: amyalka Resident
amyalka says
11 years ago 1
Beautiful Sunday people. Hope everyone has it :-D. Me I'm again studying so ..yeah,i still have one beautiful sunday,lol :-)). Love ya'all <3.
amyalka shares
11 years ago
This is what I cooked last night Rice Milk with Chocolate,with Rollo (some bomb chocolates) with orange and jam,they where yummy.But so much sweet,lol.
amyalka is
11 years ago
Study,study,study agaaaaain !!
amyalka shares
11 years ago This is how my weekend starts,learning or my future examens.A hole mess on my table :-D. hi5 people,and have a nice weeeeeekend ! Kisses.
amyalka shares
11 years ago 2
MY first collection of shape.Here we're! https://marketplace.seco... Go get them tiger :-D.
amyalka is
11 years ago
YEY!2 new kitten in the house,the family is growing :-D.But they won't remain mine,they have another home where they will go soon :-D.Happy Day!
amyalka shares
11 years ago
Vision Photography&Graphic its having a big discount.Every picture you take you recive a 50% discount.So come down,only 100 people can get this.