Your job is not always going to fulfill you. There will be some days that you just might be bored. Other days, you may not feel like going to work at all. Go anyway. And remember that your job is not who you are. It’s just what you’re doing on the way to who you will become.
3. 不要再拿自己與他人比較,你生於這個星球,是為了做你自己,而不是別人。人生旅程的目的,是要學習如何成為真正的自己,用最誠實的表達方式,展現最真實的自我。 Stop comparing yourself to other people. You're only on this planet to be you, not someone else's imitation of you… Your life journey is about learning to become more of who you are and fulfilling the highest, truest expression of yourself as a human being.