67Friends 81Fans
female Rexford, NY, United States
PhD in English lit, singer-songwriter, tech fan.
amandafrench says
14 years ago
I swear one of the best productivity hacks I ever did was setting up a Custom View in GCal so that I see 2 weeks at a time by default.
amandafrench says
14 years ago
RT foundhistory: THATCamp 2010 & One Week|One Tool now open for applications! #thatcamp #oneweek
amandafrench says
14 years ago
Got around to turning off Google #Buzz. Not so much worried about my privacy (I assume I have none) as others'. Also, I use Thunderbird.
amandafrench says
14 years ago
My translation of last tweet: "The world is divided into two categories: logorrhea and tweet." Thx inactinique.
amandafrench says
14 years ago
Via inactinique: "le monde se divise en deux catégories : la logorrhée et le tweet !"
amandafrench says
14 years ago
The #thatcamp train cannot be stopped! Yay THATCampSoCal & THATcamp London.
amandafrench says
14 years ago
For the record, I quite liked the Ukrainian pair's costumes. #olympics
amandafrench says
14 years ago
Pairs figure skating!!! Is fab to watch. That is not spoiling it for the West Coast, I'm sure.
amandafrench says
14 years ago
I had chocolate for breakfast.
amandafrench says
14 years ago
I bought some Jillian Michaels workout DVDs b/c they were popular on Amazon, *then* watched an ep of Biggest Loser. Appalled & fascinated.