My sweet middle child's picture is on district's homepage. He's part of group singing National Anthem at a HS basketball game. Hubba-Hubba.
I love all the overlap in my networks. This has been a busy night with some great thinking. Time to head to fresh for tomorrow!
You know those little animations on websites -- the booty-shaking girl who saved on insurance? I'm having violent thoughts. Just sayin'.
Using glogster to make digital sticker chart for 5yo. We even made mp3 of description of day and added on top of "sticker." Geeky Mommy.
Oh, great. A JetBlue plane at Orlando aborted takeoff this morning due to some birds. Go AWAY, birds.
Daughter set alarm on my old cell phone. I know that sound! I used to wake up to it often. How long until she realizes it's not connected?
Updated event details for Krill Inaugural Event in facebook. Selected "cocktail party" as type of party. (Fought urge to select LAN party.)
I've got this thing for old, old, old Barbra Streisand. I'll Tell the Man in the Street.
Got new Dish receiver. Now no local channels or hi-def showing up. Yeesh...