2Friends 2Fans
female Sydney, Australia
Library student, happily married, loves knitting and general geekery. I am a wee bit of a cat lady and probably/likely/certainly fit the description of 'eccentric'! :-)
alyshajane is
12 years ago
on Spring break, Yay! -runs around yaying like a muppet-
alyshajane is
12 years ago
also enjoying 'Come Dine With Me, Canada', old episodes of 'Doctor Who' (Colin Baker years) and 'The Hairy Bikers' older shows. #tv
alyshajane says
12 years ago
Season 3 of 'The Walking Dead' premiers in Australia about 33 or so hours after the US. So psyched to watch it! :-) braiiiinnnnns
alyshajane thinks
12 years ago
she will knit away while watching The Walking Dead on FX tonight. In Australia, FX is replaying season 1 & 2. 4 episodes every Friday night!
alyshajane is
12 years ago
watching knitting videocasts and relaxing. Ah, Fridays!