0Friends 1Fans
male Winchester, VA, United States
i love to joke and kid, kinda gets me into trouble but if ya cant take a joke then thats your problem
alphaelf is
16 years ago
glad he made grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup
alphaelf is
16 years ago
back to his goofy ways :-p
alphaelf says
16 years ago
they should add stomach grumbling to the guinness book of world records because i would sooo win with my 10 sec. epic stomach grumbling :-D
16 years ago
can't imagine a life without Law & Order
alphaelf asks
16 years ago
for any suggestions on good templates for resumes
alphaelf likes
16 years ago
the movie the happening
alphaelf is
16 years ago
lacking on the plurking & social life! must fix!!!
alphaelf feels
16 years ago
much better after having 3 rum and cokes last night
alphaelf asks
16 years ago
when the hulk gets his picture taken is there a no green eye feature?
alphaelf says
16 years ago
the new hulk movie rocked!