20Friends 11Fans
male Dubai, United Arab Emirates
I speak
I walk
I jump
I crawl
I climb
I run
I sleep
I eat
I sing
I laugh

Im talkative
Im friendly
Im noisy
Im ter-ter

wak0k0_02 - YM

[email protected] - MSN

[email protected] - Facebook
allisterter says
15 years ago 6
alright!! karma down! >:-)
allisterter shares
15 years ago 3
Kings of Leon Pt.1 - Only By The Night:Crawl :-D
allisterter says
15 years ago 49
atlast !! OL din akooooooooo... xD
allisterter is
15 years ago 2
magpplurk bukas pag sinipag.. haha.. bye.. sleep muna ako .. (LOL)
allisterter says
15 years ago 20
I'm burning, I'm hungry, angry cause she don't love me. You got me completely in my own game you beat me.........
allisterter is
15 years ago 44
downloading LAL 2009 championship DVD.. Yeaaahhh!!
allisterter says
15 years ago 3
i want a 0.00 karma... :'-(
allisterter says
15 years ago 2
superrrrrr....... karma down ! haha
allisterter says
15 years ago 5
plurk plurk plurk..
allisterter says
15 years ago 15
wasapyo? haha